Currently we are working on creating care packages for women and children in need. These packages will consist of essential items such as personal hygiene products, protective equipment, gift cards and packaged food. For further detail into what will be included in the care packages please visit our Get Involved page. The items in the care packages will be collected in the form of items and financial donations from local businesses and people in the community. These care packages will be delivered to _____ women's shelter on___ 2020.
In the past we have...

We hope to cultivate leadership in youth and inspire change within our communities with our initiatives. Join us in our current initiatives and support our fight for change:

We are selling paperbacks of Not “Why,” but “Why not?” by Shiloh Chen and Junsoo Pak!
All profits will be going to The Get REAL Movement, located in Toronto, Canada.
Get a bookmark or keychain and support the purple box campaign! All proceeds go to the women's shelters Yellow Brick House and Rotholme Family Shelter as part of the Purple Box Campaign!
Subscribe to our newsletter.
Subscribe to our new newsletter, Scope for Change! Learn about our new and ongoing projects and act as a voice to any and all aspiring changemakers of the world.
The goal is to turn the power over to YOU (the community) to create change, by broadening your scope of knowledge, perspective, awareness, impact, and reach.
All the members at Champions of Change would like to say huge thank you to the Rising Youth Community Grant Service, which is a Canadian service that provides youth with the opportunity to launch their own community based projects. The Rising Youth Grant Service provides funding at three different levels: $250, $750, and $1,500, allowing inspired individuals to see their ideas come to life! The funding provided by this organization was a huge help towards the Purple Box Care Package initiative. If you have an idea for a community project and are in need of additional support click below to see their website and apply!