Currently we are working on creating care packages for women and children in need. These packages will consist of essential items such as personal hygiene products, protective equipment, gift cards and packaged food. For further detail into what will be included in the care packages please visit our Get Involved page. The items in the care packages will be collected in the form of items and financial donations from local businesses and people in the community. These care packages will be delivered to _____ women's shelter on___ 2020.
In the past we have...

In the community.
take a look at our past collaborators.

pillar non-profit network
We work with Pillar Nonprofit on the Innovation Committee, where we run Social SIX workshops
thames valley district school board
We work with TVDSB on the United Way Grant, and collaborate on multiple projects

coalition to empower gender equality
We connect with Linda and Dani of CEGE who advise us when needed, and we provide a youth perspective

anova women's shelter
We donate items purchased from funding to Anova

london youth advisory council
We run Everyday Empowerment conferences in partnership with LYAC

girl guides of canada
We ran our first Made To Lead workshop with Girl Guides of Canada

voicing it
We did an Instagram Live with the Urooj, the founder

mine 101
We are donating items collected from our Heart On Your Sleeve Campaign to Mine101

ontario nonprofit network
Ontario Nonprofit Network has helped us secure contacts